Northern Lights

Northern Lights  by Nora RobertsNorthern Lights by Nora Roberts ISBN 0-399-15205-9 Copyright 2004

Nora Roberts flies us into Lunacy, Alaska, population 506, and into a colorful, compelling new novel about two lonely souls who find love – and redemption.

Lunacy is Nate Burke’s last chance. As a Baltimore cop, he watched his partner die – and the guilt stills haunts him. Maybe servings as chief of police in this tiny, remote town, where darkness fall by mid-afternoon and temperatures plunge to zero and below, will bring some kind of solace. It isn’t as if he had anywhere to go.

Aside from sorting out a run-in between a couple of motor  vehicles and a moose – and pulling apart two brothers who are beating each other silly over a disagreement about John Wayne – Nate’s first weeks on the job are relatively quiet. But as he wonders whether this was all a big mistake, an unexpected kiss on New Year’s Eve under the brilliant northern lights of the Alaska sky lifts his spirits – and convinces him to just a little while longer.

Meg Galloway, born and raised here, is used to being alone. She was still a young girl when her father disappeared, and she’s learned to be independent, flying her small plane, living on the outskirts with just her huskies for company. But after her New Year’s Eve kiss with the Chief of Police she allows herself to give in to passion. She doesn’t want commitment – yet there’s something about Nate’s sad eyes that gets under her skin, and warms her frozen heart.

And now things in Lunacy are heating up. Because years ago, on one of the majestic mountains that shadow the town, a crime occurred that is unsolved to this day – and Nate suspects that a killer still walks the snowy streets. His investigation will bring out the secrets and suspicions that lurk beneath the placid surface  as well as the big-city survival instincts that made him a cop in the first place. And it will threaten the new life, and the the new love, that has finally found for himself.


The Guardian

The Guardian by Jennifer Ruth

by Jenifer A. Ruth ISBN 1-59414-233-5 Copyright 2005

Excerpt from the back cover:

Life isn’t easy for Las Vegas magician’s assistant, Carrick “Rick” Murphy. Since birth her has been raised to do his duty, to be the Helper of the Protector, Alana Devlin, who defends the city and its inhabitants from Otherworldly threats. He’s thrown himself in front of countless monsters for her sake, with no concern about his own safety. But now, it isn’t his safety at risk. Something stalks the city, a bloodthirsty monster on a killing spree. It knows Rick. Instead of trying to destroy him, it decides to strike close to his hear, hunting the love of his life, librarian Joan Westland, Now Rick faces a new challenge: working with a stand-in  Protector who’s made it clear that she plans on seducing him while trying to guard the woman he loves from a danger he can’t  reveal to her. Just another work day for The Guardian.

Young Adult Reading Level

Emerald Silk

Emerald Silk by Janet Lane

Emerald Silk by Janet Lane Copyright 2008

ISBN 13-978-1-59414-682-4|


Part Two of the Coin Forest Series

Emerald Silk takes us on an exciting medieval adventure with enough passion and historical detail to satisfy the most demanding reader.

This fast paced romantic adventure is set in autumn, 1448, at England’s Applewood horse faire in Somerset. Noblemen and traveling Gypsies alike have gathered to buy and sell their finest stallions. The midnight peace is shattered when monastic knight invade the camp to reclaim a treasured chalice stolen by a Gypsy. The attack sets in motion a string of deadly pursuits, a mystery murder, and a political crisis involving the most prominent bishop in England.

In the midst of the turmoil, the beautiful half-Gypsy, Kadriya, yearns for true love. Rasied by English nobility, she has passed the threshold of womanhood. Spurned for her mixed blood, she is now twenty and longs for acceptance. With one foot planted firmly in each of her ethnic shorelines, Kadriya struggles to find her place in the world. Teraf, an impetuous Gypsy Tribal king of surpassing charm, proposes she choose her Romani legacy.  When Kadriya agrees, she starts a wild journey through danger and disappointment that will challenge her loyalties, test her courage and mold her character.



Straight by Dick Francis

Straight by Dick Francis Copyright 1989

In his stunning 28th novel, Dick Francis proves he has no equal.

As Derek Franklin, an injured steeplechase jockey, nears the end of his career, he is thrust into trouble and mayhem by the accidental death of his older brother, Greville: “I inherited my brother’s desk, his business, his gadgets, his enemies, his horses and his mistress”, Derek says. “I inherited my brother’s life, and it nearly killed me.”.

The Monsters of Morley Manor

Monsters of Morley Manor

The Monsters of Morley Manor by Bruce Coville. Copyright 2001 For ages 8 to 12

ISBN 0-15-216382-4

How do  you mix together… werewolves, vampires. mad scientists, wizards, dimensions, tiny people, Transylvania, ancient curses,giant frogs, evil clones, ghosts, lawyers, shape-changers, fallen angels, journey thru hell, zombie warriors, body snatchers, and two clever kids whose hands rests the fate of the earth?

Just add water.

Reading Level- Ages 8 to 12.  Author is from Syracuse NY


Cursed - Carol Higgins ClarkCursed by Carol Higgins Clark – A Regan Reilly Mystery – Copyright 2009

ISBN 978-1-4165-6383-9

On a snowy day in NYC, PI Regan Reilly gets an urgent call from her former neighbor, Abigail Feeney. A Hollywood hairdresser, Abigail believes her life has been cursed since the day she was born – Friday the 13th.

Always unlucky in love, Abigail now needs Regan’s help in tracking down an ex-boyfriend who was jut spotted in downtown Los Angles – a ” no-go bum” who borrowed $100,000 from her three months ago, then promptly disappeared. Abigail desperately needs to get that money back, money given to her by her grandmother who is heading to LA. Grandma Feeney, no shrinking violet, has plans to buy an  old friend’s condo for Abigail and will need that hard-earned money to make the deal.

With buggy Jack away, the weather in New York miserable, and the guilt-provoking memory that Abigail had brought her chicken soup when she was sick, Regan agrees to hop a plane. Before long, the hunt for Abigail’s ex takes some dangerous turns…. but when Abigail becomes a suspect in a murder investigation, Regan begins to wonder if the curse is real- and possibly contagious.


Comeback by Dick FrancisComeback by Dick Francis Copyright 1991

A globe-hopping diplomat comes face to face with a case of fatal corruption, in Dick Francis’s suspenseful thirteenth thriller.

From from a posting in Tokyo, young British First Secretary Peter Darwin decides to holiday in England before taking up his next assignment for the Foreign Office. During a brief stopover in Miami, Peter is accidentally caught in a scuffle that leaves two acquaintances in a scuffle beaten and robbed. Peter stands  by his new friends until they are safely delivered to their next destination: Gloucestershire, England, his childhood home and scene of long-buried memories. There he walks unexpectedly into a veterinary surgeon’s racehorse related nightmare. As his involvement with the doctor’s plight grows, and as more  racehorses meet an untimely end, Peter realizes that events from his own past are the keys to saving some decent people – and the things they love- from destruction.

Tact, intuition, willingness: such are the weapons of diplomacy. Now Peter Darwin must wield them not for political reasons, but rather to unravel the enigma of the cruel fate  befalling the local bloodstock. This is to stay alive himself.


Stray Kat Waltz

Stray Kat Waltz by Karen KijewskiStray Kat Waltz by Karen Kijewski Copyright 1998

From the back cover:

“Quintessential female P.I. Kat Colorado return in the newest novel from award-winning author Karen Kijewski… Kat is still reeling from the loss of her beloved Hank. But when Sara Bernard insists that her husband is trying  to kill her – a claim seemingly backed up by the murder of her best friend – Kat finally agrees to investigate. The problem is not only that Jed Bernard, a police officer, has a clean record and glowing testimonials from everyone in town. It’s also that the erratic, elusive Sara Bernard sometimes seems more dangerous than the man she’s trying to avoid. And when Kat finds herself going undercover at a stylish rehab clinic, it seems that there’s far more to this case than a marriage gone bad….

Endangered Species

Endangered Species by Nevada BarrEndangered Species – an Anna Pigeon Mystery by Nevada Barr Copyright 1997

From the back cover:

In the midst of a dangerously dry season, national park ranger Anna Pigeon has been posted to Cumberland Island off the Georgia coast for a monotonous, twenty-one day fire watch. but her boredom is short-lived, for this remote and marshy place is breeding ground for more than just the imperiled Loggerhead turtle it also spawns eccentricity and secrets, greed, suspicion…. and murder.

A small plane crashes into the palmetto thickets nearby. Anna and her crew arrive in time to control the blaze, but too late to save the pilot and his passenger, Cumberland’s sole law enforcement ranger. When the cause of the “accident’ is determined to be sabotage, Anna becomes entangled in an investigation that threatens to upset the very delicate balance of this fragile ecological preserve. For she is precariously close to exposing dark, clandestine crimes both old and new that someone has worked very diligently to conceal… and which make Anna Pigeon the most endangered creature on the island.