Refocus thoughts

I am really surprised at how many sites have indicated that they are in the process of realigning, refocusing, re-visiting, re-thinking, re-doing, or making changes. Change is always going on. The pace and the number of changes just seems to be unusual.

It provides me more food for thought and makes it interesting to see where all this change will go. I know that I often have been felt over whelmed due to too many choices so I don’t make a choice at all. Has this happened to you?

Amazing Grace

Amazing Grace by Danielle Steel

From the back cover:

On a warm May night in San Francisco, the Ritz-Carlton ballroom, as a glittering celebrity-studded crowd gathers for a charity dinner dance. The evening is perfect- until, just minutes before midnight, the room begins to sway….

In the earthquake’s aftermath, the lives of four strangers will converge… Sarah Sloane, the wife of financial whiz, watchers her perfect world fall to pieces…. Grammy -winning singer Melanie Free comes to a turning point in her life and career… Photographer Everett Carson finds new purpose amid the carnage… and Sister Maggie Kent, a nun who works with the homeless, searches through the rubble – and knows that there is much to be done….

As the  city staggers back to life, a chain reaction of extraordinary events will touch each of the survivors… Sarah discovers a crime and a betrayal, then a strength she never knew she had. Volunteering at a refugee camp opens new worlds of possibilities for Melanie. Everett will forge an unlikely relationship with Maggie, who helps him rebuild his shattered life – and upends her own in the process. And as a year passes, each discovers the unexpected gifts in a tragedy’s wake… and the amazing grace of new beginnings.

Throughout these enthralling pages. Danielle Steel creates a stunning array of contrasts – from the dazzle of a society benefit to the chaos of a makeshift hospital, from the pampered lives of rock stars to the quiet heroism of emergency volunteers. It is her most powerful and life-affirming novel to date.

ISBN: 978-0-440-24327-4

Match Game

Match Game by Beverly Brandt

From the back cover: On the most special day of your life, your wedding day, the cops bust in and wrongfully arrest you at the altar for money laundering and tax evasion. The only rings you leave the church with that day are the ones made by the handcuffs on your wrists. You are soon released because you prove to the Feds that is was someone else who stole your identity… but your fiance isn’t as easily convinced and hits the road. Continue reading

Welcome! More Books Added….

Welcome!   The pile of books next to my reading chair needs to be taken care of to make room for more new titles waiting to be read. So I am spending part of today adding more posts to this site of the recent books I have finished reading.

For those of you coming to the site for the first time I made a commitment to record the titles of the books that I read during the 2011 calendar year.  Back in January 2011 I was inspired by a post by Seth Godin about the average number of books that an American reads. I know that I am different than most folks so I was very curious to find out just how many books I actually read in a year. It’s almost a year later and I find that I have enjoyed keeping track. I have not been so good at posting the titles.  I have quite a number of posts to make so I’m going to spend more time each day during December to get all of the books posted so that I will have a total number. This has turned out to be fun project for me. I am toying with the idea to create a database of titles but am not sure if I really need to have a database since I can easily search for more specifics for each book.

How many books do you read in a year? Post a comment and let me know.



Match Game
Amazing Grace
Murder in the Hamptons
Star Flight
I Feel Bad About My Neck

The Rut and the Way Out

Leo Babuta of Zen Habits had a post  recently “The Rut and the Way Out” that really hit home with me. I have been trying to re-organize, re-align, and re-focus my consulting business and personal life and it has just felt like too massive an undertaking.  All I seemed to be able to do was to make lists, re-read my notes and end up taking a nap because it was just too tiring to try to tackle what appears to be a huge undertaking.

Quoting the post:

“…Here’s the thing: the first step wasn’t to take on a major challenge. It was simply announcing it.”.  —- Well I’ve announced it. Re-Align and Re-focus

“… Can you take an even smaller step? Sure: you can simply ask, “What if?” —- Well- yeah- I can.

…”What if you tossed out your to-do list and only did 1 important thing each day before doing the less important tasks?”  – yep – I can do that!

…”What if you tossed out your goals? What if you let go of your expectations? What if you got rid of everything you had?”

Well…. answering these questions worked for me!!

Announcing: breathing new life into this site

1 step at a time – as ittle as it may be…

Publish my goals

Let go of my expectations

I feel so much better. It really has helped me to move forward!! Thank you Leo!  Has this worked for anyone else? Post a comment below.

Photo Credit: Neckrein from


Then Comes Seduction

Then Comes Seduction by Mary Balogh Copyright 2009

ISBN 978-0-440-24423-3

From the back cover:

In a night of drunken revelry, Jasper Finley, Baron Montford, gambles his reputation as London’s most notorious lover on one woman. His challenge? To seduce the exquisite, virtuous Katherine Huxtable within a fortnight. But when his best-laid plans go awry, Jasper devises a wager of his own. For Katherine, already wildly attracted to him, Jasper’s offer is irresistible: to make London’s most dangerous rake fall in love with her. Then Jasper suddenly ups the ante. Katherine knows she should refuse. But with scandal brewing and her reputation in jeopardy, she reluctantly agrees to become his wife. Now, as passion ignites, the seduction really begins. And this time the prize is nothing less than both their hearts…..