Make Customers Love You – Kindle

Make Customers love youAmazon E-book Review for Make Customers Love You: A 28-Day Challenge for Your Tiny Business

I was so thrilled to see another e-book jewel from LaVonne Ellis! She hits it out of the park with this one as well as her other title “Getting Sh*T Done”. This is just perfect for the folks who have been trying to create a business but who feel like a failure and have not been generating any income and they are stuck and don’t know why they can’t be as successful as the “six figure income” folks they read about every day. This 28 day challenge is just perfect and can really help make a difference. LaVonne’s writing style which comes from her heart, is down to earth, actionable and practical is superb. She makes the reader feel empowered and positive. Her stories are believable and I was able to visualize them immediately in my head. I would encourage every entrepreneur to buy a copy. It’s so worth it.

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