Summer Pleasures

Summer Pleasures by Nora RobertsSummer Pleasures by Nora RobertsĀ  Copyright 2002

A special two-in-one volume containing Second Nature and One Summer (two different novels)

Summer Pleasures: Second Nature\One Summer

In Second Nature reporter Lee Radcliffe is a woman on a mission to get an exclusive interview with the enigmatic and aloof writer Hunter Brown. Hunter agrees to grant Lee her wish, on one condition: she join him on a camping trip for two in Oak Creek Canyon. If Lee thought talking to Hunter was trouble, wait till she spends day and night with him – completely alone….


One Summer sends Lee’s friend and colleague Bryan Mitchell on a coast-to-coast photo assignment. Sounds Fabulous, right? And it would have been, if Bryan didn’t have to share her assignment with arrognat and infuriatinglysexy Shade Colby….

ISBN 0-373-21839-7


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