

Devious_Lisa_Jackson_300x54 Devious by Lisa Jackson
Copyright 2011 by Lisa Jackson

Camille “Cammie” Renard has always been a troubled soul. An outgoing flirt in high school, she has delighted in flaunting her sexuality and living on the edge. After causing a break-up between her older sister Valerie (Val) and her husband Slade, she reassesses her life by retreating to St. Marguerite’s convent in her hometown of New Orleans in search of forgiveness and redemption. Old habits die hard, and Cammie finds it impossible to give up her wild ways.

While at St. Marguerite’s, Cammie gets pregnant. She plans to leave, but a twisted killer viciously murders her and her unborn child before she can escape. Cammie’s body is found — dressed in a yellowed bridal gown — in a chapel at St. Marguerite’s by Sister Lucia, a young nun with an unusual gift.

Detective Reuben Montoya is getting weird vibes while investigating. In his younger years, he dated Cammie, was a friend of Frank’s, and his brother dated Lucia in high school. Complicating the investigation, Sister Charity, the 60-year-old mother superior at St. Marguerite’s, withholds evidence and is secretive concerning what she knows about Cammie and the other sisters. The investigation heats up after another nun is found murdered in the same perverted fashion as Cammie, two more nuns go missing, and Val’s life is threatened.

Detective Reuben Montoya is getting weird vibes while investigating. In his younger years, he dated Cammie, was a friend of Frank’s, and his brother dated Lucia in high school. Complicating the investigation, Sister Charity, the 60-year-old mother superior at St. Marguerite’s, withholds evidence and is secretive concerning what she knows about Cammie and the other sisters. The investigation heats up after another nun is found murdered in the same perverted fashion as Cammie, two more nuns go missing, and Val’s life is threatened.

Snip taken from review on

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