Diamond Spur

DiamondSpur by Diana PalmerDiamond Spur by Diana Palmer Copyright 1988

Diamond Spur

Texas rancher Jason Donovan was known for his temper, his brooding nature and his deep distrust of women. No one at the Diamond Spur ranch could stand his moods – except Kate Whittman.

Kate was young and inexperienced, but she knew that Jason was the only man for her. She wanted him more than anything, but her offered her only brotherly protection – until the day she discovered that Jason’s desire was as strong as her own.

But Jason was not interested in commitment, or marriage, and especially not love. So Kate pursued another fantasy – becoming a successful New York fashion designer. But just when it seemed that her fairy tale was coming true, fate brought her back to Texas. To Jason. And to a dream that she’d almost abandoned…

The dialogue is charming, the characters like-able and the sex sizzling…

ISBN 1-55166-950-1

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