Dirty Blonde

dirtybloneDirty Blonde by Lisa Scottoline

Copyright 2006

Judge Kate Fante has just been appointed to a Federal Judge position, a life time appointment. She was handed a glitzy case involving the intellectual design and creation of a hit TV show “Attorneys at Law”. Mr. Marz is suing producer Art Simone for stealing his ideas. While the law is clear on this issue Judge Fante delivers a lecture to Mr. Simone when she rules from the bench, which sets a number of events into motion. While she ruled in Mr. Simone’s favor, she stated she believed the plaintive. This is a crushing blow to Mr. Marz and he attacks Mr. Simone in the court room. Court is cleared but later that night when Mr. Simone is gunned down Mr. Marz is blamed for it, especially when he turns up the victim of an apparent suicide.

Judge Fante also has a secret life that comes out to haunt her. She has been sneaking to seedy bars to have hot sex with strangers. Unfortunately someone has been following her and feeding the information to Mr. Simone who has already set out to make a spin-off of “Attorneys at Law” starting a woman Federal Judge.

A detective friend of Mr. Marz doesn’t think that he committed suicide, or that he killed Mr. Simone he thinks Judge Fante hired a lowlife porn maker to do it for her. When trying to blackmail her doesn’t work the information gets released to the press which sets into motion Judge Fante running for her life, being suspended from her job, and her determination to find out who really killed Mr. Simone.

Summary credit to http://allreaders.com/book-review-summary/dirty-blonde-33968


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