
Photo of book According to a post in Seth’s Blog (Seth Godin) “the typical American buys precisely one book a year. Of course, this isn’t true, because when it comes to books, there is no typical American. There are a lot of Americans who buy zero books for pleasure each year.”

And then there are people like me who can’t walk past a bookstore nor stick to my New Year’s resolution NOT to buy any more books due to limited financial resources.

I was so taken with this post by Seth Godin that I wondered just how many books I read in a year. So I made a goal to keep track of all of the books that I read during the calendar year of 2011. I know that I spend money that I can’t afford on buying books. My home is full of books and piles of them are all over the house, overflowing in boxes in the barn, and cause visitors to say “my….you have alot of books”.

I love to read. I read for escape, diversion, and for knowledge and learning new information.

I patronize  new and used book stores, book sales, the public library and borrow books from friends. I just love books and reading.There is just something about reading – being able to escape into a different world or learning something new that is so addicting to me.

I am a huge fan of a local program called “The Bright Red Book Shelf” – which is my main supplier of books currently (mostly so I don’t have to spend money on books).

The Family Reading Partnership of Chemung Valley – Bright Red Bookshelf , , is one of the many places that I support. They encourage reading and have collection/borrowing boxes throughout the community.

How many books have you read recently?

Photo Credit : Flicker photo from Hora Varlan (


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