The Guardian

The Guardian by Jennifer Ruth

by Jenifer A. Ruth ISBN 1-59414-233-5 Copyright 2005

Excerpt from the back cover:

Life isn’t easy for Las Vegas magician’s assistant, Carrick “Rick” Murphy. Since birth her has been raised to do his duty, to be the Helper of the Protector, Alana Devlin, who defends the city and its inhabitants from Otherworldly threats. He’s thrown himself in front of countless monsters for her sake, with no concern about his own safety. But now, it isn’t his safety at risk. Something stalks the city, a bloodthirsty monster on a killing spree. It knows Rick. Instead of trying to destroy him, it decides to strike close to his hear, hunting the love of his life, librarian Joan Westland, Now Rick faces a new challenge: working with a stand-in  Protector who’s made it clear that she plans on seducing him while trying to guard the woman he loves from a danger he can’t  reveal to her. Just another work day for The Guardian.

Young Adult Reading Level