
Shattered by Karen Robards

Shattered by Karen Robards Copyright 2010 ISBN 978-0-399-15627-4
The past is never over. It just gets dusty.

Lisa Grant was a rising star in a prestigious law firm in Lexington, Kentucky when the firm went bankrupt and she lost her job. With an ailing mother to care for, she takes the first job she can find: research assistant to District Attorney Scott Buchanan. Scott is a disagreeable as he is sexy, and Lisa suspects the only reason she got the job was Scott’s fond feelings for her mother, who treated him well when he was just a farmhand on the Grants’ large farm while Lisa was growing up.

After she misses an important court date, Lisa doesn’t get any specail treatment from Scott. As punishment, he send her to organize cold-case files in the basement of the courthouse. What Lisa expects to be a mind-numbingly boring task turns into anything but that when a missing-persons case draws her attention. The details of the case are engrossing: an entire family – father-mother, and two children – disappeared without a trace more than twenty-eight years ago. Except that’s not all the mother in a photo Lisa find could be her own twin.

Before Lisa can learn more, a series of catastrophes strikes close to home, and she realizes that finding the photo has put her in terrible danger. Determined to uncover the truth, she confides in Scott, and their relationship develops into something beyond that of employer and employee. Together they unravel a terrifying web of criminal connections that could shatter what Lisa know of her past. And it’s clear someone ill go to shocking lengths to make sure certain secrets stay hidden.

Source: Book jacket (front/back)