The Man Who Wasn’t Beckham


The Man Who Wasn’t Beckham – A Crooked Lake Mystery by Robert W. Gregg

The Man who Wasn’t Beckham begins on a cold spring day when two young boys discover the body of a woman at the bottom of a steep bank in a ravine above Crooked Lake. Who is she? Did she fall, or was she pushed? In their search for the truth, the sheriff and her partner, a vacationing college professor, must follow a trail of calculated deception beginning in December with a casual encounter in Chicago and culminating in July on the shores of Crooked Lake.

Copyright 2008 By Robert W. Gregg


A Death on Crooked Lake

a-death-on-crooked-lakeA Death on Crooked Lake by Robert W. Gregg

A Death on Crooked Lake begins with the murder of a wealthy and arrogant man who has moved to a peaceful lake in upstate New York as owner of one of the region’s premier wineries. The question facing a vacationing college professor who discovers the body and the young woman new to her job as local sheriff is who among the victim’s many enemies hated him enough to kill him. En route to a solution of the crime we learn a few things about lake lore, fishing, wine, and marital infidelity, not to mention opera, baseball, and the elusiveness of truth.

The author grew up in New York’s finger Lakes region and today maintains a summer residence there. A career as professor of international relations has taken him to many countries and  several universities, but it is to his beloved Crooked Lake that her returns for this tale of murder in paradise.

Copyright 2006 Signed Paperback

ISBN 0-7414-3007-X

Bob at the Lake

bobatthelake_rmurphyBob at the Lake
by R. Murphy

What would happen if Roz, a crabby woman of a certain age, moved to the wintry shores of a New York lake—and got a ghost? And not just any ghost, mind you. Bob’s a ghost from 1920’s Manhattan, full of quips and over fond of his martinis, who swans around in a silk smoking jacket and makes Roz’s life very . . . well, let’s just say ‘complicated.’

Especially after Roz meets David, the good-looking grape grower who lives up the hill. Join Roz, David—and Bob—as they navigate blizzards, cookie mazes, holiday shopping sprees, and the occasional power outage. (You know, all of those delightful challenges of a good, old-fashioned Northern winter . . .)

Author – R. Murphy
Copyright 2013
ISBN 978-1-61935-412-8